DefiLlama TVL

Any project that has implemented a functioning DefiLlama adapter can configure KPI options to track its TVL measured in USD. In addition to common ancillary data parameters the deployer should configure DefiLlama TVL specific settings as documented below. Full specification of DefiLlama TVL data source is available in its implementation document to be referenced by verifiers.


Endpoint string value should be set to project's DefiLlama TVL API endpoint in the format "<PROJECT_SLUG>" where <PROJECT_SLUG> should be replaced with project slug name used in DefiLlama TVL adapter.

Metric Selector

In order to instruct verifiers on the location of TVL value within returned Endpoint response Key string parameter should be set to tvl[i].totalLiquidityUSD where tvl[i].date is the latest daily timestamp before the evaluated timestamp.

By default TVL across all chains would be tracked. If however the KPI metric was to track TVL on a particular chain additional optional ChainName string parameter should be set to the selected chain name. Names of supported chains can be observed as key names under the returned chainTvls object when querying the Endpoint.

Last updated